The 5th Session of the Creative Book Club

The 5th Session of the Creative Book Club


Yippie! So excited that you are excited about this NEW CHAPTER and the 5th Session of the Creative Club. We changed things up a bit in the 4th session….. so in November we began a deep dive into the NO EXCUSES ART JOURNALING book. We will be continuing that book in the next few sessions of our book clubs through November. We will also be supplementing this book with some other books during the year. Books that will give us fun techniques to use in our journals - watercolor, mixed media, paper crafting. Things like that. It’s going to be a fun year!

If you DID NOT take the 4th session and want to catch up on the first 2 months that we used the No Excuses Book… click on the link here to sign up. This will get you all caught up from November and December of 2024.

Past book clubs have given us lots of fun projects and techniques that are all paper related and usually things that we can use in our journals, card making, tags, scrapbooks etc.

You will receive an email with a file that has a link to the Facebook group page and then a password that will let you in. Make sure you open this and ask to get into class within the first 24 hours.

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