Flights of Fancy class with Rebecca Swayzee and Lindsay Ostrom
Flights of Fancy class with Rebecca Swayzee and Lindsay Ostrom
In this fun Facebook Live class with Lindsay and Rebecca, you will learn so much from both talented teachers. You can see by the photos attached to this post that both teachers has a completely different style. You can mix the art together or make two totally separate books. All the art shown here… and maybe more, will be included in the class.
Rebecca will teach you how to make a super cool rainbow themed journal and then both teachers will teach you some amazingly cute things to go into your journal
-rainbow mood boards / birds
whimsical bird frames
mixed media book cloth
ruffled bird feathered badges
stitched winged created ephemera
watercolored and doodled birds
And who knows… there might be even more surprises in store for you. All the facebook live classes are always recorded and saved. So if you can’t watch the LIVE class…. you can watch it whenever on your own time.
The link will expire within 24 hours so make sure you head over there asap. If you have any trouble getting to class, just message one of us on Facebook at @lindsay waltman ostrom or @Rebecca Swayzee - we can fix it right up. Just have your order number handy. Facebook has been giving us broken links recently…. not to worry though.
See you there.