So here we are ...
day three and no comments yet.
Come on people... where are you!
These folks need to hear how you feel about their pieces.
Please leave a comment.
and please participate
by sending me your art piece involving flowers...
could be a pin, earrings, a drawing, a wood
carving, a t-shirt... as long as you made it,
i will post it here....
a stool from Carol... with pansies
a mixed media piece with torn paper flowers
by Janet
and a piece by Arnoldo
in honor of his backyard...
love the feather!
Three days of flowers from me....
Love, Dream and Hope
with pink dogwoods....
'goin to california
so, how do you enter?
send me an email with your picture attached
or go on our facebook page and upload your piece
we're on to day 4 peeps....