This has been a great day for art and because i have been wanting to say...
"May the Fouth be with you"
all day long....
the pic above is a first time drawing from
Evelyn O. - fabulous evelyn. Keep it up!
this pic above is a photo taken and
manipulated by Claudia... lovely
These cards above were done out of
recycled grocery bags by Joy...
if you have a Raley's market by you... check 'em out
This beautiful purples and blues flowers in a vase
was done by Ellen on her IPAD!
way to put us all to shame Ellen...
it's beautiful!
Above is a photo take by Davielle at her daughters
engagement party... congrats to her!
Lovely California Daisies and a bunny
adorn the yard of Janet F...
i have a soft spot in my heart for bunnies!
These are from me...
all month doing 5.5 x 8.5 different sheets of papers
and doing lots of different techniques with flowers.
I NEVER draw without an outline first
so this was way out of my comfort zone.
Let's see what you are all working on....
( don't forget to comment on any and all you love!)