Notepad Creations

Notepad Creations


Hey!!! Congrats you!
You are venturing out with me and trying something new. I hope that you all have taken my online classes or have my book on lettering - Creative Hand Lettering with Lindsay - because these notepads go hand in hand with your love of lettering. I will walk you though all the steps for making your own notepads. The hardest part with this video and downloadable tutorial.... is when you finish your creations , you have to get your butt in the car and drive to the print shop to get them all finished. But let me tell you... it will be so worth it. The smile on someones face when you give them a personalized notepad is classic. And you will want to keep making more and more. I promise.

So in this lesson you get....
6 password protected videos hosted on Vimeo
15 downloadable pages to create your notepads from
- including how to set up your pads, what to tell the printer, doodles, floral doodles etc.

I didn't create a private facebook page this time.
Please feel free to share your creations on the lettering page on facebook at
(Creative Hand Lettering with Lindsay )

And as always... please know that lots of hard work and love went into creation this class. Feel free to use my sheets for your own personal use. Do not share or sell any of these pieces of art that are my own creations. These are just for your own use. And thanks for your continued support.

For all of my subscription box kits, workbook kits, lettering stencils, pads and pens.... click on the link below from Adorn it!

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