Letter Better Together - a fun creative lettering Facebook LIVE class
Letter Better Together - a fun creative lettering Facebook LIVE class
In this class we will use all the techniques from the CREATIVE HAND LETTERING WITH LINDSAY BOOK to simplify alot of the initial practice involved with hand lettering. We will focus on 3 lettering styles and 3 tools to create some fun quotes and simple sayings. The tools will be marking tools, coloring tools and papers. That is all. Super simple
Once you sign up for class, you will receive an email with an invitation to get you into the FACEBOOK group. Make sure you ask to be accepted into the group asap. On class day, i cannot accept anyone into class 10 minutes prior to class starting time. Of course the class is a FOREVER class so you can always access the videos and any course materials any time in the GUIDES and FILES section of the group.
Purchase your CREATIVE HAND LETTERING book here on the website HERE! Not mandatory but super helpful during class and forever after