The 12 days of Christmas Collage Element

The 12 days of Christmas Collage Element
This page is a digital download. When you receive your email with the artwork, make sure you save it to your desktop in a file marked COLLAGE ELEMENTS. That way you can save them all and print them over and over again. If for some reason you don’t download within 24 hours, it will disappear. Just email me and i will send it out again.
We will be using this art in the 12 gifts of Christmas FREE class which is being held over in my facebook group At …. Creative Hand Lettering and Doodling with Lindsay . I have included the supplies and the info on dates for this FREE class in the photos here. This mini class is free and was created in 2021
This can also go hand in had with my DECEMBER DOODLES DAILY class which has two years of other art included in the facebook group and some videos there as well.
Hopefully this all makes sense…. sometimes i get too many ideas. Anyway…. the trees are cute and can be used any time of the year… not just for Christmas. And you can print on cardstock, sticker paper, vellum and even create shrinky dinks out of them. Shown here in the photos, or a piece of sticker paper or label paper and how I printed it onto brown kraft cardstock.Remember… this art is for YOUR OWN personal use. None of my original art can be resold for profit. Thank you for understanding