Wildflowers - digital download
Wildflowers - digital download
As with ALL the digital downloads, you have 24 hours after you purchase to save these to a file on your desktop. So i strongly advise that you purchase and do this immediately. Label your file wildflowers or something you can easily find when looking for it later.
This is a digital download of a wildflower frame that I created. It comes in several formats that you will get in your packet once you receive it. The full size art (6.5” x 8 ) in color, 4 to a page in color and 2 to a page in color - plus you get all the same sizes in black and white so that you can color them in any way you choose. You will own this art ( for your own personal use only please ) - so if you need to resize it, you can do that too. I like to print these out on cardstock and paint with watercolor or use markers or colored pencils. If you are using watercolor - make sure you print your page with a LASER printer. Ink jet ink will run and bleed with a watercolor or water based ink.
If you would like more coloring lessons… take my BLOOM IN COLOR class. I will have a watercolor 101 and a colored pencil class coming soon too. So watch for those.
the peridots and periwinkles card is not included in the download.
Just like with any of my digi art images… these are yours to keep and use for any personal projects that you choose to use them for. That means,,, basically that you can not use them on any pieces that you intend to sell or make a profit on. This is my job, believe it or not. And this is how i put food on the table for my family and I. So, I stick to this policy on all of my digi art. Thank you for understanding and your continued support.