this is an EBook… which means that when you purchase it, you have 24 hours to download and save it to your desktop.. From there you own it. You can print it and bind it or put it in a file folder so you can easily trace or copy it . You can also leave it on your desktop and pull it up to access whenever you want to work on your lettering. Make sure you save it to a file folder to find it easily again and again.
This book was all hand drawn alphabets created by myself. Printed years ago by Pinecone Press, it is out of print… so I got the originals and my friend Carmen helped me scan them all. The samples in the book were done by lots of my good friends and co-workers. That was the missing piece. I didn’t have access to the photos , so… i scanned my original book so the colors may be a bit off.
The best part of the 47 page book, to me are all the blank bordered pages that coordinate with each alphabet. If you only print out some of the pages, these are the ones I would print. That way you can practice each alphabet on their own themed page.
This book will be on SALE thru July 1st.
And don’t forget to join our facebook group for more inspiration and practice with your lettering at CREATIVE HAND LETTERING WITH LINDSAY - on facebook.
Stay tuned for more ebooks to follow!