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Postcards from the road

Wherever you go, 
 are postcards and travel brochures 
and luggage labels. At least, there used to be luggage labels. I created these ones from 
the old ones for you to print and
 cut to use on your art journals. 
Hope you enjoy them. 
You will see what I did with them this weekend...
 the other two sheets here that 
you can download are just fun 
vintage trailer pics that I have collected to use in my journals. If you don't already do this... start finding pics and saving them to a folder to use over and over again in your journals. My friend Carmen does this and she also saves her art and collage pics to use and print over and over again. Great tip. 
If you do something with these....
email me a finished piece.
I would love to see what you do!
last but not least...
don't forget to leave a comment to be entered in to win 
some Kuretake supplies 
and some fun Lindsay craftiness -
my Cut and Color pieces so you can have fun coloring on your own.

( if you cannot download these let me know and I will be happy to email them to you, I had a heck of a time trying to upload a PDF... sorry)


Travel with a Friend.....