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National Letter Writing Month Registration

National Letter Writing Month
 is now


Here's what I need from you 
If you would like to play this year

1. Email me at
    (emails to any other email address you might have 
      for me will NOT be accepted, sorry)

2. Your Name and Address where you will recieve mail
     ONLY your full name and address.

3. No chatter... just Name and Address, please

4. Raise your right hand and repeat after me... I, state your name, do promise to write at least 4 LETTERS to my pen pal and do so promise to get in the spirit of letter writing.  

5. Got the email correct? Got it? Just your name and 
    address please! Love you... Happy Valentines Day!

What you will get from me....

1. Nothing right now

2. There will be a list here by MARCH 20th, on this blog with your FIRST NAME and your pen pal's name on it 
( first names and last initial only ) . I will be emailing out a list with You and Your Pen Pal's Address ONLY beginning on March 21st! If you don't recieve that... email me on MARCH 21st and I will get it to you again. 

3. When you recieve that email on March 20th , you will get a questionaire with some things to Break The Ice with your pen pal. PLEASE no letters are to be MAILED until (around) March 29th to arrive on April 1st. If you live out of the country... you will be emailed your pen pal on MARCH 15th and can start writing sooner, so that your letters can arrive on or around April 1st. We're on the honor system here folks. Let's make APRIL 2015 the best National Letter Writing Month Ever!!!

email me ( don't leave it in a comment )

want to share your pretty letters and envelopes?

NLWM - 2015

National Letter Writing Month - 2015