A year ago this weekend, my hubby was headed to meet his brother in Paso Robles to work on the roof of a trailer they share at Lake Nacimiento. Fate intervened. It was around 8:30pm and he was almost into town. Another truck coming down the wrong side of the road plowed right into him, up and over his truck. A drunk driver. Horribly drunk. Hit him and broke is neck in two places. A 50 / 50 change of repairing it came to us in the form of an amazing doctor and an incredible recovery.
I remember going to Michaels ( shhh, don't tell my employer ) while he was in surgery and for the 7 days that we were there. I shopped for yarn and just kept crocheting blankets like a fiend. I brought nothing with me. I thought I was headed down there to pick him up and head home. After all, he called me and told me he was fine and he would just need a ride home. 7 days later... we left that city. Broken, but thankful.
This is all that was left of his truck. His baby. He bought this truck brand new when we first met. It held many baby seats, towed a boat, went on many off road trips and was his favorite thing he owned. It was in fabulous shape. For this trip, either my neighbor, myself or the dog were all going to go with him. I backed out because I had art deadlines, the neighbor backed out that morning for some reason and he decided not to take the dog. Thank GOD! You can tell by the pic that no one would have survived the impact to the passengers side. Small miracles.
We spent alot of time at home. I was so fortunate to be able to be with him at home for almost a month. We took alot of walks and he was a great patient. To pass the time, I continued with my signs and ornaments for the craft fairs I had already committed to. This piece was a commission for an amazing human that I met on facebook. A nurse, who took time out of her busy day to asure me everything was going to be fine. It took months before it was close to fine.
Art got me though most of the days and I haven't slowed down yet. I think sometimes we use something like art to help us heal and it becomes something that is just second nature to us even after the fact. It's amazing how putting pen to paper or crocheting blanket after blanket can just be so cathardic. It is. For anyone going through something intense... find something to throw your soul into. A hobby, a craft, a journal... something. It helps ease the pain and heal the heart.
He is back to work. Part time. He has good days and bad days still. The
fatigue and occasional paint is just more than he can understand most
days. He is a go, go, go guy. We both are like that. We just bought a
canoe and spend alot of days in it now... just sitting on the lake. That
helps. The kindness of friends and aquaintances after the accident was incredible and overwelming. Thank you all. Do I miss my husband? Yes. Do i love this new guy... definately. Have I forgiven the asshole that did this?... ummmm, nope. Not yet. I don't undertand that at all. Drink. Drink yourself to death... but stay put. Come on. That's not hard. Tell everyone you know... any DISTRACTED driving is horrific. Do not text, call, eat, brush your hair and especially don't get behind the wheel after drinking anything. But look at this guys smile. I am the lucky one. He is here with me. That's all that matters!
Here's to a better year to come.
It's been a really, really, long year.
Adios October 11, 2013 to October 11, 2014!