Summer has begun and boy oh boy do Fanny and I need a long weekend... or two or three! We spent the weekend at the Tall Pines Trailers in the Trees Rendezvouz. It was fabulous... and hot. So fanny spent some time in the trailer trying to keep cool.
Pretty exciting being in the same place as 62 other trailers... teardrops, vintage trailers, airstreams, canned hams.... all of them in one spot
I didn't decorate as much as i normally do because Brent was with me and he doesn't like all the fru fru that there is to glamping. But there are some parts of it that he thinks are cool.
For example...
He did like showcasing his little '56 Chevys and trailer slot cars. And they were very well received... probably could have sold them but they are his prize collection- and there is Fanny again. We had a bit of a hard time keeping her away from the fireball.
and of course there were pink flamingos
and my newest art piece... a $3 stool that i turned into a
mixed media creation.
Ahhh, the joys of glamping. I still feel that I sleep better in the trailer than in my house. It's just so amazing and lovely in there.
so until the next time....