Just sitting here on a rainy Saturday and getting my stuff
ready for letter writing on Tuesday the 1st of April....
and I guess that others are doing the same!
Barbara Cox shared her pic of last years loot -
along with her letter writing side kick kitty!
The above and below is a sneek peek of my friend Joy Deaton's
lovely work area. What's that i see? A hand carved rubber
stamp and a Pilot Paralell pen.... ooooh it's gonna be a fun month!
Above , Joy is working on some of the Tag Tricks that
i created for the group and emailed out! These can be used on
cards and tags that you send out throughout the month....
but wait, you aren't playing and you want some
tag tricks of your own? Well, here you go.
A little freebie from Me-bie!
Print them out... color them in.... cut them out
and decorate to your hearts content. Just use them for
your own personal use please... no selling, please
and here is my basket of goodies.
Just got back from a bridal fair with my wedding signs
and i have beef stew cooking with pounding rain outside.
A perfect time to do a little letter writing....
it's acutally catching up on answering the 5- yes 5
letters that i received early this week.
Oh well.... close enough!
Let the letter writing begin.... almost!