Well, today i bit the bullet as they say and decided to
host a craft fair with my friend Heather.
She and i have been doing craft fairs all around town all season
and well...
we wanted to have one of our own.
Here's the info...
pass it on!!!!
Sunday December 1st
10am to 5pm
Grass Valley Kenpo Family Karate
640 E Main Street
Suite D
Grass Valley
so far we have... Ruby's Jewels, Mariposa Designs,
Woodland Whimsy, Heather and Her Kind
Lindsay Ostrom creator of cuteness
i think it's time to win something
How about an Ornament... personalized
just in time for Christmas...
leave a comment.
I will choose randomly
and one of you will win...
Must be in by November 16th.
on your mark, get set... GO!