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the power of bombing...

We have successfully done 3 Letter Bombs now. 
One to a tax preparer who needed a break from her job reality for the first week
of April and two to a couple of great women who just needed
to know that someone cares about them right now.
See that pic above?
It came in from Bombinee Desi...
that all came in to her just in the last couple of days.
she got Bominated by her mom and she thanked her
 by posting this pic on her facebook page.
and i have been smiling all evening...
such a simple thing, going to your mailbox 
and finding pretty mail there instead of 
bills, bills and more bills.
We will continue the Letter Bombing 
for the remainder of the year via facebook.
I will post the link beginning MAY 1st....
more letter writing mail to follow...
be happy!

tasty mail art....

all the loot