National Letter Writing Month is almost here. April 1st is the begining of a super fun month of card and letter writing between 100 incredible blog readers. I cannot wait. So, until then... I am gonna share a bit of what's been going on with me lately.
This first shot is of my friend Karen and I at a teacher meet and greet at Ben Franklin where we teach. I think we look fab and our art looks even better!
Next, is my friend Mary and I LetterBoxing. Have you heard of LetterBoxing?
Well click on the LINK and take a look. It's where you go on treasure hunts with fun clues to find hand carved stamps in thousands of areas in the world and then you stamp your little journal book and then onto the next hunt. So much fun. We found this fun stamp on the way to Reno in the snow. So much fun! We had so much fun, we are going again Easter morning... like an egg hunt for grown ups.
The last three pics are one's my son took.
I kinda think he is awesome... and he took some pics of me and my art for an upcoming feature in Art Journaling Magazine and Apprentice Magazine. Pretty excited about both.
new journal below that i am working on...
new art journal... the begining above here
and below... after the painting...
stay tuned and check back to see the progress in the month to come....
next... letter writing month
April 1st... no fooling!