So, I wanted to start the New Year off with a great blog challenge... but alas, no internet again at my house for the past two days. I am getting pretty tired of hangin out at Starbucks. I don't even drink coffee! I am sitting here just so I can update my blog for you folks that are counting the days down for the blog challenge. I did postpone the WEEKLY WORKDAY WEDNESDAY turtorial of scribbling that I was gonna show you. Just too hard to do at Starbucks. So, hopefully next week.
For now... i will let you in on the Monthly blog challenge and tell you about a quick and sneeky little give away. Keep reading though... that will come later. So... the challenge this month is HOME SWEET HOME. I want you all to look around your home - take a good look at some of the regular everyday things that are there. Why are they there. What do you love about them.... you pass by a picture frame that you bought for yourself because you loved it... everyday. But you don't really look at it and think "i love this so much, it reminds me of ... what". So look around. Pick one thing. Write about it, journal about it, scrapbook a little page about it, draw it, design something elese using it.... do something with or about that special thing in your home that has just become part of your every day life. I need to see so I can post it here by January 28th. Then, myself and char char binx ( my dog) will pick a winner. You will win whatever I create from my ho-hum everyday household item. Ok... got it?????
Now for the super sneeky little give away. All you gotta do is post a comment here. Or on my facebook page - here and.... i will pick a winner on the 11th of January to get a fun little hand lettered journal [age from me. I am looking for comments of what you all like ( or don't like - it's ok) about my challenges. I have a big year planned and it's no fun unless you all participate. So what would make it better or easier for you? Ok... please, this is my suggestion box and I am in need of suggestions. So... comment or post on facebook. See you all next wednesday when I hope and pray that my internet will be back up and running and I will have a little turtorial for you... for free!