Get on board the LoVe TrAiN....
artist Jen Osborn, is doing a Love Train give away on her blog right now... just because
and my friend Rena Askey is doing the same on her blog too.
So... i too am spreading the love on the Love Train
win one of my SCRIBBLES lettering books!
*Post a comment by October 3 at midnight
*I will choose a winner at random
* I will post the winner on the blog here on the 4th of October and you have three days to e-mail me your address and I will send it off to you.
and remember... it's still quote month for a few more days, so today....
"it is better to give than to recieve"
if you have a blog, pass on the love and give something away.... just link back to Jen's blog and my blog .... please!