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on the menu for march 11th...

Om today's crafting menu.... please meet Betsey Bun Bun....
She was inspired by Cory's Whisper Dolls. I love the dolls that Cory is making so much. I wanted to do a similar thing only with animals.
So i have a friend at work who was having a birthday today and I made her a little bun bun!
She is made of upolstry fabric, beans in the bottom to help her stand, batting and strips of fabric for her dress. Cute little button eyes, a little blush for her cheeks and a bit of pen work and she was born.
She has a cute little cotton tail from batting...

I signed her and sent her on her way... tonight, i am making a few more. I am having fun making them. Thanks Cory for the inspiration.

on the menu.... mama bun bun

march menu... day eleven