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the 22nd day of the march menu

This is such a cute design - from such a cute new site i found due to what my friend Kelsey gave me today that she made for me.... keep reading and click on the bunny to go to
Urban Threads.....
Sorry ladies about the lapse in the entries this week.... we have been without power a bunch due to the crazy march snow storms. I did post all your comments and it was about half and half for the gingham and polka dot curtains... so i will incorporate them both into the curtains. Stay tuned for the updates on Lil' Miss Sunshine.
Meanwhile back at the ranch... My friend/ co-worker Kelsey is always having me draw here pictures for her to embroider. Today she made me a gift in return for the drawing... and she made a little gift for our friend Judith too! Here is Judith's... a CRAFTY tattoo heart. So cute! She did a great job.
This one is mine. She embroidered it on osenberg ( not sure if i spelled that right... but it is amazing fabric!)- and the colors and the lettering couldn't be more perfect for me. So, i am gonna make her some halloween designs to embroider on tea towels next... so so cute!

Thanks kelsey... i love this saying.... "Home is where YOU are". Beautiful! Now i just need to frame it and put it in Lil' Miss Sunshine. Love it!!!

march menu... patch pillows

march menu.... the 16th....