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alot of CHA photos post....

I am home! I am tired! ANd... i want to sleep.... so, just a few pics before i do. More CHA info to follow tomorrow. Above are some stitching kits that i ordered for the soft crafts dept.
this is one of the kits up close
here's a few more of the kits... i love them
great idea for using canvas, paper and embellishments
another cute canvas and embellishment idea
This was at the K and Co booth... cute idea
My friend Joanne Sharpe does these cute stamps for art gone wild/ stampers annonymous... love them.
one more from Joanne.
love this wall that someone decorated. . .
cute wreath idea that i took for my friend karen...
love this canvas idea.
another little canvas piece
a long skinny plaque... cute!
another canvas piece ... more canvas wall art than scrapbook pages or card samples. home decore was big this year,
this was at girls papier... fun idea
this manaquin was in the girls papier booth
a great sample done by girls papier
in the ranger booth they did a designer challenge... this was one of the pieces.
this one was by Paula Cheney... nice idea.
Richele Christensen did this one and it's really sweet.
at the Ranger booth, they had a designer challenge. This one was done by Jennifer McGuire with little punched hearts.
Dina walker did this one with hears and lots of doodles.
Cheryl Darrow did this with metal addition with a great embroidered calligraphic letter
another donna downey piece... cute.
this was done in one of the square trays we carry at bens - great gift idea
a tim holtz piece using a piece of his new bird paper
great mini book using an embroidery hoop and some rings and flowers
another tim holtz piece
and another by tim
my friend janes super cute bobbin necklace... i gotta make one, linzi style!
the we r memory keepers fiesta line had some fun samples
the new we r memory keepers fiesta line... cute idea
Ok blog voters, we never made it to nate and al's - we did get to west hollywood to Canter's. It's a great jewish deli... and everyone loved it.
Canter's deli menu...
Dr. Browns black cherry sodas... a must have at any deli!
matzo ball and noodle soup, almost as good as my greandma's was.
the best pickle i ever ate. truly, the best.
my chopped chicken sandwich... oy vei... GREAT!
Michal and Kurtis got the pastrami. I think i need to open a deli... a real one.
Making Memories made a new line of badges and all the componants to make your own called Bellisimo
PA is now making gatefold cards, i ordered these
Here they are all done up
Maya road has some pretty flowers that you could spray...
Here are the flowers, made of lace and very dainty...
A piece made by Ten Second Studios... nice.
this was a great sample at Ten Second Studios... not sure where the metal is on this though - but i love it
love this piece... all ten second studios metal
a great ten second studios piece
a bobbin embellishment from the new Funhouse line from GCD studios
the new moustache on a stick - part of the funhouse line from GCD studios
funhouse cabashon flowers from GCD design... i bought alot of these resin pieces... but these had the best colors
so, long story here... but here is kurtis with tim holtz
me and jen goode... my new best friend ( hehehe)
Me and Carla
me and laura kelly
me and julie fai-fen balzar
( all these girls were in the fortune 5000 aisle... that was my aisle and we became good buddies!)
Karen and mr. zentangles
me and darcy christensen... she and i know each other from back in the day. She wrote for Creating Keepsakes and is great!
me and kelly from green tangerines
me and my joanne fink. without her, i wouldn't be where i am today. I would still be hiding out and I am glad i came out to play with the big kids!
this is my friend Joanne Fink and me... i would never have gone to CHA or done half of what I have done this year without her help.
karen with some of our trash picking finds
Ummmm, let's just say that my favorite thing at a show is trash picking and I got an amazing find
we had a little lunch at Phillipe's diner in LA before we headed out! Famous french dips.

on the drive home... kurtis and I saw my airstream trailer... come to mama!
and now... to bed! I wish i could sleep for three days. But i have to work tomorrow.... sad, oh well. It was a great week

a few last pics!

a truly incredible day