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on the road... to CHA

So... the first day on the road to CHA started out with Riley packing up a few of her cake balls (which we have now dubbed... kick balls) for the road... amazing!
Charley the wonder dog could not even get up to say goodbye! But... it's a dogs life after all!
Kurtis got to the house in the Moustache moblie... so cute!
The tree got packed first.... it looks pretty safe!
And this was all before we picked up Alli... oh please let there be enough room!
This amazing piece of art is my friend Alli's free wall art piece that she made around her tv... so so cute!
Here we are coming into LA... well, really into my hometown of Montrose. Look, you can see the mountains!
Had to make a quick drive by to see the old store... it looks good.
and cute in pink ready for Valentine's Day! I miss it alot...
Got to my mom and dad's and they took us to Sakura... the resturaunt, not the pen. They do ninja style cooking at your table... very fun after a long 6 hour drive. Then home to watch American Idol and bed. Good night all. Tomorrow is set up!

sneek peek

'twas the night before....