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we have a winner....

Well, i think it's unanamous , we have a winner....
drum roll please....
oh wait...
first, an apology for taking so long to announce the winner of the challenge. The days and nights are just escaping me. I had the stomach flu last week and then a numb left arm ( i know... but i am fine) and then a cramp in my leg... so, long story short... i had to get up and MOVE. Yep, it's true... instead of blogging, i have been exercising. What??? Really... i have been. So... blogging has taken a back seat. Sorry.

So..... drumroll please.....
and the winner is, with 5 votes.....
CORY and her fairy chair.

Cory won by a landslide with 5 votes, Dianne had one and Janet had one as well. Cory will be recieving this leafy spool necklace
that i made this weekend (i will deliver it at ATC's nite!)

Thanks to all of you for participating... I hope we get more participation for this months challenge.
I will post the next challenge later this week.... for now.. CONGRATS to cory... and for the record.... i loved all of them.
I am giving an honorable mention prize to Dianne...
She will be recieving this other necklace that I made this weekend for her FAT FANNY FAIRY sculpture.
How cute is she? She did come in before the deadline... but i didn't get it up on the blog for voting in time... sorry. She is so cute though. Dianne is becoming part of an artist co-op store in Cambria and she will be for sale as of October 15th... that's the opening. Good luck Dianne and i hope she sells for ALOT of money!!!

Congrats ladies.... you made me FAIRY proud!!!

the challenge of GRATITUDE

her fairiness and a crafternoon