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gratitude part one....

There are so many things to be thankful for and tonight... just for me, i will name just a few. It's been a very full past few weeks to be grateful... at least for me.
- I am grateful for all my old friends and one new one. I don't make friends very easy, but recently I have made a new friend through facebook. Really, you might ask.... yep... it's true. I think we are like artful sisters and it's really cool. I also have been thinking alot about old friends recently. One in particular... my friend Gina who decided this world was too much for her. I think of her often but right now i think how proud she would be of me and my new found love of the sewing machine. There are so many things that happen each day where i stop and think, Gina would have loved this. And lastly, i am thankful for my friends that are here with me everyday. It's so great to have friends that you don't even have to see once a month or once every 6 months... and when you do see them, it's like no time has ever passed. A friend is someone that you know is a friend... even if life gets in the way and you don't have a minute to call or text them... they know you love them anyway and all the time!!! I am a very lucky girl and you all know who you are!
- I am grateful also for my family... and heck, i think we all are! But mine are great. I have the bestest mom and dad a girl could ask for and I know they know that. And don't get me started about my kids and husband.... even my 15 year old who just got a BOYFRIEND.... love them all.
It's just a great world. Every day something that is better than the last. I just wish there were more hours in the day. I have so many things i want to do and accomplish... not evnough time im the day, the month or the year. I think next month... our challenge might be to complete a bucket list... what do you think?
so... what are you grateful for today?

gratitude part two...
