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first fall fairy challenge entry!

We have our first entry in the Fall Fairy challenge. She's made of paper mache, moss, locally grown urchin, beaver fur for hair, the wings are made out of glued netting, paint and a pretty little turquoise heart.
She is made by Dianne in Cambria. She says that the moss is brown, just like everything else where she lives right now. I guess we all are needing a bit of rain, including the fairies of the pacific coast!

Well... I love her so much. I can't wait to see what the rest of you have to offer up. I am changing the deadline date to the last week of September. How about September 27th? That will give me time to post pics, judge the winner(s) and post the next challenge. Come on ladies... lets see those fairies!!!

two more fairy entries....

christmas is coming....