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Flat Fanny.... takes CHICAGO!!!

Sad.... before i came to Chicago... Flat Fanny ( actually Debbie's Flat Fanny ) got the measles and missed out on the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland Oregon... you can see here that she looks miserable! Poor Flat Fanny....
ahhh... but she is looking better and now heading off the the CHA show in Chicago... in fact, we are here! Just arrived on United Airlines to the Rosemont Hotel in Chicago. Tomorrow morning at 10 am the fun begins....

Flat Fanny will purchase cool crafty stuff, meet with a licensing agent, see my new line of paper called HOCUS & POCUS from Pinecone Press and have a great time here in the windy city... check back daily for her escapades!
-disclaimer.... anyone attending my CHA Review on the 10th... just know that there will probably be NO free goodies. You have to pay $25 for each checked bag these days on United and just to be clothed and work here ... i had 2 bags to the tune of $50.. so i think one more bag is just out of the question. So... i will take great pics and we can all huddle around the laptop! Sorry... damn you airlines, take all the fun out of freebies!!!

wake up flat fanny...