Welcome to Summer Letter Writing Challenge. For those of you who have joined... congrats, this is gonna be the funnest summer of your life. For those who didn't join... there is still time - because i didn't get my act together in time to start on June 1st. I will be assigning letter writing pals tonight or tomorrow....so, you can e-mail me your name and address RIGHT NOW.... to scribbles1@earthlink.net
Now... for those of you who did join.... I am mailing out letters tonight with your first mission - FLAT FANNY! She is Flat Stanley's girl cousin and she will be your summer traveling companion. Color her in, dress her up, trace her and make her a stuffed Fanny out of cloth, make her new clothes..... whatever. Then take her wherever you go this summer. Take a picture of her ( with you) at the lake, on a boat, in Paris, making breakfast, at work... whatever you do! Then.... OCCASIONALLY... e-mail me a cool picture of where in the world FLAT FANNY and you have been. Cool, huh? This will give you something to talk about with your letter writing pal, something for our blog viewers to look at and it will give you a fun summer project!!! I cannot wait. So..... Flat Fanny's will go out in the mail tomorrow ( sorry, i am a slow poke!!!).
SO.... who else wants to play??????