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flat fannys pedi's and vacations

Wow.... Fanny has sure had alot of wild adventures this here is a little peek into where she has been and what she has been up to!
She spent the whole day with Debbie and her girlfriends and beleive it or not... it started out at the dentist. I had to ask if Debbie's dentist is a dinasour dentist... creepy. But hey, Fanny had no cavities!

This is probably my favorite Flat Fanny pose... Janet is on vacation... where, i am not sure. You guess from all the other pics. But she did say that this is their solar oven and that Fanny is a great cook! I love that oven. And how about Fanny's traveling play clothes... love the saltwater sandels.
Shelly and cute little Fanny and her flip flops went to Williams, CA to taste some olives. Boy do those look great and i love your dress...
Flat Fanny and her friend Debbie took the whole day and went to the mall with their friends.... Here she tried on some fabulous sneakers. I really want these!
Nex Fanny and Debbie went to the sporting goods store and picked out a bike. I have heard that Fanny actually needs a motercycle because Debbie's friend is taking her riding in the desert... so no pink girlie bikes today, Fanny!
Oops... these shots got a bit out of order.... Here is Janet's vacationing Flat Fanny. She has her play clothes on, which i love... and I love that she brought her camera to get the best shots.
Janet has to tell me where she went on a vacation... because there are pic's of cactus and tomatoes and castles... wow... what place is this.
Oh, here we are back with debbie.... she just had a pedi with the girls. I'm not sure if you can see it here... but look in some of the other shots with debbie.... she has polish on her toes.
Here is Debbie and Fanny in the chair and there are the toenails here... see them? She chose tropical pink for her color, good choice. Debbie... can i go with you girls next time?
Look at Debbie's million dollar ab's here... she has been working out with Debbie too!
And here is Joy's friend Fanny... for those who have been paying close attention.. i think she has many outfits to show. She and Joy went to the mailboxes to check for Summer Letter Writing postcards in the mailbox.

And here is Fanny with Joy's daughter, Graces Friend... Kat. Silly sisters... what are they doing in that PO box???

until next time.... these are the adventures of Flat Fanny's summer vacation and escapades.

Father's Day weekend....

watercolor memories....