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our first two MGD entries...

We are officially into May with our MGD challenge - mother's, girlfriends and daughters. We have our first two projects and they are great... as always.
This first one above is a fabric card that Tamara made for her mother-in-law. She was inspired by a few cards that were fabric during our April Challenge... nice work Tamara.

This lovely little branch was made by Joy for her Mother-in-law, Gynn. I love everything about it! Especially the nest. Thanks Joy!

Just a quick statement on this challenge. What i am looking for is more of a project honoring a mother, girlfriend or a daughter. Even something inspired by you being a mother , daughter or a girlfriend to someone. More like a tribute. Don't get me wrong - Joy and Tamara's entries are fabulous. Just wanted to give you some other ideas. Thanks......

a day with the fleas....

may day!!!!