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a few of my recent projects and gifts....

Just wanted to share what I got in the mail today... and a few projects. I received this package from my friend Beth. I think this is her calendar journal from our MARCH recycled challenge month. It came wrapped in pattern paper and a pretty ribbon.
This is the cover. The whole book is made out of an old calendar and she paper clipped in all kinds of cool ephermea to use in the book.
Here's some bird egg pages and ticket stubs.... love the bird eggs.....
Some great postage and security envelopes... some of my new favorite stuff... security envelopes!
Thanks Beth... I love it. You shouldn't have... oh wait... yes you should have. Thanks!!!
We are hosting a retreat this weekend. M.A.R.S. ( mountain art retreat and sleepover!)... and we are having a flower swap. We had to make out flowers and teach what eve made at the retreat. We have 18 people coming... so we made 18 flowers.
I love what i did. I stressed over it for weeks.... I ended up taking twigs from our forset and adding in book print cherry blossoms, dryer sheet pussy willows and fabric sinched dogwoods. I love them... and want to keep them.
I am posting this for all the girls coming to the retreat. We are making this scrappy scarf as one of our projects. I had so much fun making this.
It's just lots of torn strips of fabric mixed in with fibers, ribbons and printed twills. I embellished it with torn edge flowers and a button. I love wearing it and get lots of compliments on it. I will have a tutorial soon on it. Let me know if you are interested.

a new weeks work....