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the alameda flea...

Ahh... a glorious day at the Alameda Flea Market. Thanks Beth for turning me onto this. I bought a fabulous library card file, some children's books, old barbie cards, postcards for Judith and a bag of fabric scraps from the 40's for an upcoming class i am teaching. Here's a few highlights....
(above) cool old paint brushes that were like $25 - EACH!
Oh yes... I am making these. At least one for my boy for his Easter bonnet. These were $260... and amazing!
a very great singer sewing machine... ahh, if i only had $400
cool old buckets... $10 each

a great table with some pretty tulips and daisies shinning in the beautiful California Sun..... Next Alameda Flea , the first Sunday of each month. Not sure about Easter Sunday... but you can bet i'll be there with my rabbit ears on if it open!!! Check it out.

karen's green challenge