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day SEVEN of creative challenges...

Welcome to day 7 of the 28 day creative challenge. For me, i creatively cleaned up my craft area and arranged potato chips creativley for anxious super bowl watchers. The Sanits won, the Who put on a great show and now it's over.
The card above is actually a Valentine made by Karen S. - she said it's a Valentine with a heart tucked away on the inside. Next to that is Miss Lilu and Mia... Karen B.'s granddaughters. They came over for Super Bowl and made Valentines all day long. Cutie Patooties!
This cute paper full of rabbits is also a project from Karen S. She is working on her ATC's cards for her March trade. I can't wait to see the finished cards.
This is also a post by Karen S. showing a bit of her creative inspiration. She puts on her tunes and the rest is magic.
This card, also by Karen S. ( by the way, she sent me a whole weeks worth of pictures in one day!) - it's a valentine for her neice's birthday. Her online name is Pink Skulls....

Joy came through again with this card for her nephew's 3rd birthday... Cute colors Joy!

A Super Bowl of Artists ....