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DAY NINE... of the 28 day challange!

Welcome to day 9 of the 28 day challenge! We are doing amazing things so far and I can't wait to see what's coming in every day. The picture above is from Judith. She made these ATC's for our Sierra ATC's group trade tonight. The theme was PURPLE... and she made these with a dollar store spirograph. I love them! And... i gotta go get a spirograph!
These were my ATC's for the swap tonight. I did Purple Haze for my ATC's and used Angelina Fibers and batting... and of course my sewing machine.

This is an altered valentine card by Beth. I believe that she started out with a store bought card and added her own twist on it.
Purple is the theme tonight. Joy made these super cool ATC's and you can't even see the best part... they open and the hearts fold out to a circle of hearts. It represents a circle of friends... very cool Joy!
This is wet wipes paper made by Karen S. The left is the beginning and the right is the finished piece. She explained how she did it.... and i was a bit lost - but it's totally cool.

This picture is from Beth. She has spent the last week or so at redoing her craft room. A bit IKEA inspired and she is on her way to a great space! Show me where you craft and work on projects... that would be great.

DAY TEN.... creative challenge