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DAY 12 - the 28 day creative challenge

Day 12 of the 28 day do something creative every day challenge.
Kurtis made this little peeking bunny today out of recycled cardboard at the store.... peeking out from behind his cardboard tree....
JP... aka Jennifer made this beaded bangle bracelet from the Creative Imaginations bracelet and sand dollar charms that I gave out at my CHA review last night.... really beautiful!
Here is Kurtis' cardboard tree... check out the little heart there too! Too cute!
This is a vinyl piece that I mad to go with the display today, with a vinyl bird and the word FLY....
Ok... so the receiving clerk at the store bought a velvet box of Dove chocolates for his sweetie. He didn't like the wrapper .... so I traced it and made him a custom new one. What a sweet guy!
These are some fridge magnets made by Joy for some last minute teacher gifts to celebrate Valentine's Day
This is one of Joy's famous juice box bags and guess what? She made this one for ME!!! She said she is gonna deliver it on Tuesday... thanks Joy! And Lemonade... my favorite!
Tami made felted fortune cookies... from felt with a sweet little message in each one. She made on fore each child in her daughter Carly's class
A little Martha inspired here... tami glittered big hearts and sewed some little hearts and strung the whole piece from her chandelier....
Judith made place cards today for a book club tea that she was hosting with her book club girls! Sweet
Janet worked on an UGRA project for someone special... these three rings are just a piece of the project ... Nice!

Tami made this moon man cuddled up in a valentine heart! Good Job posting pics today everyone!

DAY 13 ..... forgive the creative delay....

DAY 11.... my 28 day creative challenge